This is the only part of Christmas I'm getting into right now. I'll save the rest for later.
Every year, there are a handful of "must-have" things for kids. Tickle-me-Elmo. Furbies. Playstation 1 through 16. It happens every year. People wait in line with their Thanksgiving dinner on paper plates on Thanksgiving morning now, since Black Friday sales start earlier and earlier. They push and shove and trample each other for whatever the "gotta have it" toy is this year. Some people luck out and get it. Some people don't. And some people are greedy and buy as many as they can at a discounted price and then sell it for profit to people who didn't get in line early enough to get one.
That's what I've been seeing today. I am a member of a yard sale site on Facebook, mostly because I like to window shop (yes, even virtually). There's a thing this year- Doc McStuffin or something like that. It's a toy doctor thing, I guess. Apparently, it is listed on WalMart's website for $65, but they've been sold out for about a week now. In this yard sale group, one member got a couple and she is selling them for $250 each!!
Don't get me wrong- I won't deny anyone the chance or right to make a buck. But some poor kid is gonna miss out because this bitch got greedy and now the kid's parents can't afford the one toy that the kid really really really wanted. Not to mention the other kids who are going to say "Didn't you get one for Christmas? Santa must not like you." and all the other mean things kids say to each other. The parents are going to feel like failures, they let their kid down. They couldn't get the one toy that was on the "must have" list. All because someone wanted to make some money.
OR- all because kids aren't raised to appreciate the things they DO have these days.
Depends how you look at it.
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