Saturday, November 2, 2013

~* Reason #4: People Touching Your Belly *~

I chose this topic today because it's been in the news lately. Oh, you haven't heard? Here, read up.

I am not a touchy-feely person. I may occasionally want to cuddle or hold hands or be wrapped up in a hug....but more often than not, I don't. And even when these rare moods do strike, I can promise you I have never thought or said "please touch my belly". I'm not sure any woman anywhere has ever said those words. We are media-bred to be self conscious about our stomach areas, why would we invite someone to feel our imperfections?

But for some bizarre reason, the minute a woman begins growing a human being inside of her, people feel entitled to touch her. Family members, friends, even complete strangers. Why???? Why do people think this is acceptable behavior??? If it's not ok for you to touch a complete stranger with a flat belly, why would it be ok for you to touch a complete stranger with another complete stranger in her belly?? Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't more violent crimes against these unwanted touchers.

And since I'm on the subject of touching, what about people touching the baby after it's born? People are always touching babies- trying to hold their hands or kiss their cheeks or even hold them. And I don't mean people you know- I've seen it happen with random people in the grocery store. If I don't know you, why would I let you touch my baby? You could have just sneezed into your hand, and now my baby might get the flu, so thanks for the trip to the doctor. You have the herpes virus that carries fever blisters, and you want to kiss my baby? I'm sure it thanks you for the lifetime of awkward "it's not really herpes" conversations.

Point is, respect boundaries.

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